10 Interesting and fun facts about cars

Date de l'actualité: 2023-01-18 12:50:00, Vues: 6641

The majority of us rely heavily on our automobiles to get us where we need to be every day. The amazingness of our automobiles is often overlooked. Have you stopped to think about all the bizarre things that your car has done for you? Here are some cool and fun facts about cars!

1. In 2023, there will be more than one billion vehicles in use worldwide. Experts predict that this number will double or reach 2 billion by 2040.

2. You could reach the moon in less than six months if you drove at an average speed of 100 km/h.

3. Every year, 70 million cars are made!

4. Drivers spend an average of 42 hours a year stuck in traffic jams in the country's biggest cities. That's almost two days!

5. Today, only 18% of drivers in the United States know how to drive with a manual transmission.

6. Did you know that eighty percent of a typical automobile is recyclable? 12 million vehicles are recycled annually in the United States alone. Automotive recycling is the 16th largest industry in the United States because of this large number.

7. In Washington DC, where traffic congestion is the worst in the United States, drivers spend an average of 82 hours a year in traffic jams. That's almost twice as much as the average in other countries' biggest cities.

8. Sadly, almost 95% of a vehicle's lifetime is spent parked.

9. In the United States alone, light-duty vehicles consume ~1.36 billion litres of gasoline per day.

10. Don't use a cell phone while driving, it will increase your risk of an accident by 20 times!

 10 Interesting and fun facts about cars  10 Interesting and fun facts about cars
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